Mindset Coaching


You don’t know if it’s your job, your relationship, or what the problem is. But something is not working. You're at a crossroads. You know you WANT to make a change. Something NEEDS to change. You're not sure which direction to go or how to choose. You worry about what others will think of your choices.

You WANT to make decisions about your life easily, from a place of power. You WANT to do the things that light you up. You're looking for a way to thrive with passion, so that you CAN live a life with purpose and intention, and that is exactly why you’re here.

Say YES to you today! Say YES to living a fulfilled and meaningful life that makes you proud of who you are and who you have become!

  • Discover Your Inner Compass

    6 Life Coaching Sessions (90 minutes each) + 1 Life Happens Sessions (45 minutes each) ($1,250)

    The path to clarity about your life’s purpose starts with self-discovery and self-reflection.

    When you have clarity about who you are, what you value and what’s blocking you, you’ll feel confident, grounded, and make decisions easily about which paths to choose.

    We will:

    • Identify your values and what’s important to YOU

    • Become aware of behaviors, habits, and relationships that may preventing you from living a more fulfilled and meaningful life

    • Discover what’s what is within it your realm of control and how to let go of what’s not

    You will develop:

    • Healthy routines that keep you grounded and connected to yourself

    • A positive mindset that creates new patterns of behaviors that help you face life’s obstacles and challenges

    • The confidence needed to be intentional about the direction you want to go

  • Choose Your Path

    12 Life Coaching Sessions (90 minutes each) + 2 Life Happens Sessions (45 minutes each) ($2,250)

    Get clarity about your choices and know how to choose what’s right for you.

    You’ll take ownership of your choices with confidence and move toward them with purpose and intention. You’ll turn uncertainty into excitement about what’s possible for you!

    We will:

    • Start with a blank canvas for your life

    • Let go of limiting assumptions about what the path ahead looks like

    • open your mind and vision to opportunities you cant see

    • Become open to receiving what the universe and life has to offer

    You will:

    • Become more confident and trust in your own intuition

    • Develop a vision for 2022 with goals that align with your life’s purpose

    • Start making decisions and choices toward a life you can feel happy and proud of

    • Celebrate!

  • Live Your Life's Purpose

    18 Life Coaching Sessions (90 minutes each) + 2 Life Happens Sessions (45 minutes each) ($3,250)

    Take Action and move down your path in a way that is aligned with your inner compass.

    When you have a focused vision, you’ll create a life that’s aligned with your purpose.

    Customized Package:

    Based on individual needs, we will design a specific and uniquely customized coaching plan and timeline to meet your needs.

    This process often includes:

    • Diving into the work from Discover Your Inner Compass & Choose Your Path packages

    • Re-envisioning your future with clarity on the path you want to take

    • Creating a long-term plan with specific goals toward your desired future

    • Continued accountability support, tears, laughter, and love!

    *This package is for those who are ready to commit to a long-term coaching relationship

Life Happens

1 session (45 minutes)


The single Life Happens sessions are for those who are interested in getting in-the-moment “life just happened” coaching.

These sessions are for people who are looking for support with:

  • Preparing to have a difficult conversation

  • Making a personal or professional decision that has you feeling stuck

  • Identifying some strategies on coping with life stressors, anxiety or negative self-talk

  • Letting go of guilt about something that’s weighing on you without the worry of judgement or criticism