About Me

I see potential in everyone and everything around me. I thrive on connection; connection with nature, connection with people, and connection with my inner self. Connecting with people and helping them begin to recognize their own potential, capture their own vision, and develop trust in their own inner compass is one of my greatest passions. As I have learned to identify my personal life calling, I recognize that helping others do the same, is one of my guiding purposes. 

As a Mindset Coach, I work with ambitious and courageous individuals who find themselves at one of life’s crossroads. I help people recognize opportunities and execute plans that align with their life’s purpose. My individual coaching services are designed to cultivate the mindset needed to improve quality of life, increase positive energy, enhance relationships, and create inspirational space for my clients to thrive. My individualized coaching plans are a collaborative and fluid process that allows my clients to discover their life’s purpose as I support with outlining goals to enable them to achieve a more fulfilling life. I am dedicated to helping clients uncover their inner strength, recognize their own self-worth, and take control of their inner compass, so that they can determine the direction needed to live a more successful and meaningful life.

Education & Experience

I have years of experience working in education, human development, and leadership that make me uniquely qualified to coach individuals, lead workshops, and deliver keynote training and speeches.

I hold a Master’s degree in Adult Education and Leadership and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology with minors in Early Childhood Education and Psychology. I’ve been working in early childhood and adult education for over 20 years. For the past 10 years I have been developing and delivering inspirational courses, keynote presentations, and workshops related to motivation and leadership in a variety of professional settings and seminars.

Let’s Get Personal

Wow, you’re still reading about me! I’m honored! Here’s a little more about me on a personal level. Because after all, connection is key!

My name is Jessica Palmer, and I have three handsome sons and two beautiful grandchildren. FaceTime calls with my grandbabies are some of my favorite things in the whole world.

I love reading and I am continually adding to my own knowledge through the exploration of research and literature.

I grew up in Oregon which may be part of the reason I love hiking and the outdoors so much. I love mountain peaks, and ocean shores… and I sometimes want to visit both on the same day!

When I was a small child I remember standing on the beach, staring out into the ocean… I felt a sense of freedom and enthusiasm along with an inner pull to explore the world and meet new people. Whenever I was outside I would feel immediately grounded and connected to nature and I would feel this impression that I was meant for more, a calling to serve and support others.

Now, many years later, with much more life experience, I still feel this sense of freedom, of purpose, and the same pull to help others connect with what makes them happy. Through the course of my life I’ve had many experiences where I’ve helped people I’ve met make progress in their professional and personal lives. It’s so rewarding to see people recognize their inner calling and take steps to remove barriers, form healthy routines, and break free of their former limitations!